terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2015

Perfumed Horoscopes June 1 - June 7

We are very sensitive and even irritable at the beginning of this week with the full moon facing us with uncomfortable restrictions. We may feel prone to disillusionment and disappointments. This makes us proceed conservatively throughout the week, but finally the end of the week we can fully regenerate our self-esteem and self trust. This week we are looking at three stunning perfume houses: Dasein, Malbrum Parfums and Von Eusersdorff.
You may become this week a little restless with what you know. You may feel uncertain if you should share it or keep it for yourself and do some work on it. The best approach is to be careful not to show that you know more and better than those who are important to you. Gaining deeper understating is imperative for not falling out of balance. From Dasein try Spring.


You may feel at the beginning of the week dissatisfied with your financial situation. Finances in our lives do often depend on others, and trying to understand their situation and offering assistance to them can benefit you the most. Your partner may need your loving attention more that usual. From Von Eusersdorff try Classic Orange.

Some surprising statements can come from your partner this week, and what direction this week will take depends strongly on how you will react. Do not withdraw by any means, but stay proactive in resolving the needs of your partner. There must be a place where your needs are reflected in your partner's needs, so bring lightness into the emerging situations. From Von Eusersdorff try Classic Mimosa.


This week can open with a new set of desires directed at your work. If you don’t feel fulfilled there, maybe it’s a good week to make it clear to your boss that a different situation can make you much happier. If you don’t act on what you feel, it may easily play out on your health. Do take your instincts seriously. From Malbrum Parfums try Shameless Seducer.
Do you understand how the feelings of love influence your life? It is a good week to understanding that love is there for you to make you stronger. Whatever amount of “hard love” you produce at the beginning of the week, it will all come back by the end of the week and have the pure giving nature that you so strive for. From Dasein try Summer.


In an ideal scenario you should plan an amazing party at your home this week. All the most significant people in your life should commingle, and touch base with you. This week will also prompt you towards some kind of improvements that are needed at your home. Childhood remains the best inspiration for the improved sense of belonging. From Von Eusersdorff Classic Vetiver.


Your brother or sister will play a significant role in your life at this point. The scenario will involve either you being ready to add to your sibling's education, or the other way around. Your words carry at this time depth that can seem at times hard to accept. This week brings a lesson in courage in most unexpected ways. Enjoy the learning process. From Malbrum Parfums try Psychotrope.
This week can bring to you a whole new amazing level of self-acceptance. Much can happen to affirm your recent steady growth, but nothing will be as significant as partners approval. Understanding this and developing the ideas of the future with your partner will also somehow work for the greater future financial freedom. From Von Eusersdorff try Classic Myrrh.

This week’s full moon in your sign can bring an emotional awakening. Your partner is a wide open book at this time, and what you saw now you will reap long-term. If you are single, this is the time to meet a special one. You will appear very responsible and family-oriented and that will help. From Von Eusersdorff try Classic Patchouli.

You can be pretty wild by nature but you don’t want anyone to really see it. This is the week when your past feels kind of heavy, and demands flexibility that you may not be ready to show. Take your inner voices seriously and spend some time maybe even in seclusion if you can. There is too much going on for you to really feel centered, and this is what you need more than ever.  From Malbrum Parfums  try Tigre Du Bengale.


This weekend there may be a hovering question in your head asking you: “Is my future really my future? How do I share it? At what point do things become clear?” It’s not the questions that emerge in you that matter, but the underlying feelings. As long as you know what you feel, there is no reason for any anxiety. You own your happiness, you own your sadness. It’s not the others who bring it into your life. From Dasein try Winter.


If you happen to feel very tired and hit by a “wet sock” at the beginning of this week, you are really desperate for some sense of success in your life. This is completely natural, but avoiding any issues will make it even worse. You mind is much clearer now than you think, and if you could make a leap of faith, you can become a trend-setter and way-shower for all who are not so intimately close to the idea of love like you are. From Von Eusersdorff try Classic Opoponax.

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