domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

Perfumed Horoscope August 17 - August 23


Ponder for a moment on the following idea: “We don’t age, we grow.” If you feel challenged by this idea, it contains in itself the paradox of Jupiter’s journey through Virgo between August 12th and September 9th, 2016. Jupiter will show us how to face the future with the idea of growth, while Virgo can provide the tools, in the ways which will include service and deeper understanding of what connects us to the natural world. This week we are looking at one of the most amazing natural healing Essential Oil companies from Switzerland called Just. Their 31 Herbs Oil is a miraculous cure.


Over the past year you probably and hopefully partied a lot. You took some risks. Maybe you fell in love with someone and this could have been the best thing in years. It’s time now to turn the page. You probably even understand that your finances will not regenerate without any of your efforts. So get ready to roll the sleeves over the next year.  By Just try Inspiration, Lemon Essential Oil.
Do you miss flirting and falling in love? Aren’t you the best tease around? Do you feel that you have turned into a coach potato over the past year? Do you also miss having fun, going out to concerts? Are you creative and you have not expressed it enough over the past year. It’s time for all the above to change and become activated. Give yourself time; the transition may be slow, but steady. By Just try Sensual & Passionate, Jasmine Essential Oil.


How do you feel about moving into a new living situation, more modern and not necessarily bigger, but more with accord to how your needs have grown over the past few years. This may sound too good to be true, but it is a process, and it will take some efforts and some work. Start by making a plan to wake up in the next spring next to the window with a better view. By Just try Happy Drops, Bergamot Essential Oil.

Take a good look at your house and notice all the things that you have brought in over the past year. Did you use all of it to its full extent, especially the electronic and communicative devices? Did they serve you? This is the year of your intellectual growth. Turn into a genius. Start by understanding that there is no challenge that you can’t take on, while also giving them a new direction. By Just try Naturally Comforting, Chamomile Essential Oil.


The excitement kept growing over the past year, and climax is finally in the very fresh way how you experience yourself. Now it’s time to go back into the material world, and map out what you want and when you want it. One of the main focuses will be your income and it should by the end of the year already become clear that your earning capacity is much greater than anyone ever imagined. By Just try No More Conflict, Orange Essential Oil.

This is now the beginning of a one-year period where special things will happen to you. Think back some 12 years ago. Did something happen that completely changed your life? The scenarios are similar, but more advanced. If back then you had your first lemonade stand, now you may realize that a chain of all-organic grocery stores may be a reasonable idea. By Just try Romantic & Dreamy, Neroli Essential Oil.

You may have met the right friend over the past year, and even considered that this friend taught you something that you didn’t know before. The journey continues now towards you starting to understand that the concept of love and total compassion is within your reach. The fifth dimension of unconditional love is smiling at you. You will become the master of your past and turn it into the fuel for the future.  By Just try Balanced Confidence for Women, Geranium Essential Oil.

It’s time for you to do the unthinkable and put your career on autopilot. Yes, I’m talking about giving up the control, or at least making it friendlier, meaning assigning it to your friends and all those you trust. So again: The effort was great, it all looks very promising, now just expand the social circle which will be benefiting from your ideas.  By Just try Renewed Energy, Rosemary Essential Oil.

No more sitting on the fence for you. If your brain almost exploded from all the amazing information that was infused into it, now it’s time to be more practical about your career. There is nothing really much that you need to do besides believing in the right thing. The fruits will not fall into your lap immediately. They will come by the time you forgot that you’ve been doing this for some kind of a purpose or a reason. You’re an eternal child, what can I tell you. By Just try Concentration, Peppermint Essential Oil.

Maybe you felt that your intimate relationships were taking too much of your money and your energies. Now it’s time to accept that you did an amazing job with staying patient and strategizing. Start thinking into different ways and directions. It doesn’t mean you have to break up anything, it just means that you will have to show others what you like to be recognized for – your great wisdom. By Just try Breathe Easy, Eucalyptus Essential Oil.
You dedicated a lot of attention to what was going on between you and your partner over the past year. You may feel that you have made a progress in understanding each other. Cherish that, because now it’s time to put the things together that really matter and build a potential fortune together. It will not matter if you really make financial gains in the process, but the exhilaration of doing the right thing will be all-consuming.  By Just try Harmony, Palmarosa Essential Oil.
It’s amazing how every now and then you keep surprising not just others, but yourself as well. After a productive year, or at least many attempts to make it productive, this year you could decide to take your whole life into a different direction, by possibly doing something that will equal tying the knots. This could also actually extend into some unexpected business's opportunities. By Just try Relaxation, the Lavender Essential Oil.


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